Math is one of the most difficult subjects to learn. There are so many different equations one must memorize and then one has to try and solve the equation with many different numbers that could change at any given time. It is quite understandable why most people tend to avoid doing math. For example, english is a very complicated language. However, once you understand the basics like how to use nouns and verbs in a sentence, the rest is pretty much self explanatory. but with math, you have to understand shapes for a math called Geometry, you need to understand different equations for Algebra than you do for Calculus and so forth. It is like an on going headache!
Do you like or hate math and why?
It depends what form of math class I am taking. for instance i love Algebra because I am very good at it and understand (for the most part) how to solve the equations. On the other hand, i despise Geometry. every time i think about it it makes me cringe. I don't enjoy this form of math mainly because trying to find the area and stuff for a shape doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I can't find the exact length of a building and try to see what its mass would be just by doing some crazy math equation. Geometry just doesn't click in my mind.
Do you think math is important for "artists?"
Artist is a very broad word. Artist aren't only the people who create beautiful sculpture, but they are also the musicians and the movers (dancers). However, math does play an important role in all of these "arts". For example, a dancer can't expect to nail 10 turns every time they put their leg in posse. There is just no physical way. However, by using physics (which in a way is similar to math) they can figure out how much momentum they need to execute their movement. Dancers almost always use math without even knowing it because its not like they are trying to solve an equation. they are just using logic.
How can math education improve?
Personally, i don't think math education really needs to improve. I mean it obviously has room for improvement, but for right now there is nothing incredibly wrong with it. students are moving at the perfect pace with their education and scientist and finding new ways to use math to make everyday society a whole lot more advanced.